43 snowshoers tackled the inaugural Stone Bridge Caveman 6k snowshoe race at the Natural Stone Bridge & Caves Park on Saturday February 11. Featuring a course that started out somewhat rolling and then climbed and climbed and climbed some more before a rapid descent to the finish, the race also highlighted the natural beauty of winter in the Adirondacks. For a season which has seen little snow prior to this week, the ample base and coating of fresh powder were a welcome change. The top three winners for both men and women, led by Tim Van Orden and Jamie Woolsey, were treated to a variety of goodies courtesy of the Park. Here’s hoping RDs Greg and Lance will make this a yearly event!
Results from the race can be found here.
Photos are available on the park Facebook page: Part 1 and Part 2, as well as on our own photo page. RD Greg has also posted a video of a drones-eye view of the start:
And finally I’d like to give a shout-out to the Natural Stone Bridge and Caves Park – I’d never even heard of it prior to this snowshoe season and I suspect the same is true for a lot of people, which is a real shame. If you enjoy the outdoors and natural beauty, the Park is well worth a visit. More information can be found on their website and Facebook page.