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Week 7 of the 2020-21 Dion WMAC Snowshoe Series will run from Sunday 2/7/21 through Saturday 2/13/21.
Since it took me almost the entire week to get this posted, the goal for this week is to run, walk, or hike ANY DISTANCE with or without snowshoes. You can do the distance all at once or split it up over multiple outings.
If you’d like any distance you cover on foot (with snowshoes or without) to be included in your totals for this seasons series, please enter it in the series spreadsheet:
(If this is the first time you’re recording distance, enter your first and last name in the appropriate columns. For each week you will also find two other columns – under “week # ss miles” enter the number of miles you’ve snowshoed, and/or under “week # r/w/h miles” enter the number of miles you’ve run, walked, or hiked without snowshoes. You can do this once for the whole week or update your weekly mileage as needed throughout the week. You can also go back and update your totals for previous weeks at any point. The spreadsheet will update your series totals automatically.)
Last Sunday the Saratoga Winterfest 5k+ Snowshoe Race saw 35 runners and walkers take to the packed snow at Saratoga Spa State Park. During the week the Gore Nordic Citizens Races and the Coles Woods Races happened on Wednesday and Thursday respectively – those weekly events will be concluding over the next several weeks. Saturday sees not one but two racing opportunities – the Frigus multi-distance races at Moreau Lake State Park between Saratoa Springs and Glens Falls, and the Brave the Blizzard 5k at Tawasentha Park near Albany. Registration may be available for Frigus if they haven’t reached capacity; registration is closed for Brave the Blizzard.
Whether you’ll be racing this weekend or just out enjoying the outdoors on your own, be sure to dress appropriately – it’s going to be a cold one!
We also ask that you choose a location where you can do enjoy the outdoors safely and while following all local rules, regulations, and guidelines, and that you take appropriate precautions to limit the spread of Covid-19. We miss seeing you all in person and want to get back to being able to do that!
If you have any photos from your outdoor adventures, please feel free to share them with us on our Facebook group by leaving them in a comment for this week’s post.
Next week I’ll do my best to get this posted on Sunday!
Any questions, shoot me an email.
RD Laura Clark reports good snow conditions after marking the course today.
Online registration only, 14 spots left as of Friday night. Registration closes Saturday 2/6 at noon. NO DAY OF REGISTRATION.
DATE/TIME SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2021 11:00 AM wave start
START/FINISH SARATOGA SPA PARK, 19 Roosevelt Dr, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Quadrangle opposite Administration Building
Limited number. $5 rental fee payable day-of race. Exact change appreciated.
No indoor gathering, no post-race snacks, no raffles. BYO water.
Masks must be worn at all times pre-and post-race. Please observe social distancing.
Bathrooms will be available.
If you are sick in any way, please stay home.
a few photos from marking the course today…
Wed nights in Jan 13 to Feb 17 – Gore Citizen’s Races, North Creek NY
$12 twilight pass required, sign up online by noon each Wednesday
Thurs nights Jan 22 to Feb 14 – Cole’s Woods Races, Glens Falls NY
Saturday, Feb 6 – Super Frosty Loomis 5k/10k, Dryden NY
registration closes Fri 2/5 5:59PM – almost sold out as of 2/2
Sunday, Feb 7 – Saratoga Winterfest 5k, Saratoga Springs NY
online registation closes Sat 2/6 noon
Saturday, Feb 13 – Brave the Blizzard 5k, Guilderland NY
Saturday, Feb 13 – Frigus 5k/15k/Marathon, Gansevoort NY
Sunday, Feb 14 – Brookhaven Trails 2.5k/5k, Porter Corners NY
Sunday, Feb 14 – North Country Snowshoe Series Race #2, Turin NY
Saturday, Feb 20 – Winona Orange Course 3.7mi, Mannsville NY
Winona Snowshoe Marathon – solo event– complete up to 5 different courses by Mar 7