Week 1 of the 2020-21 Dion WMAC Snowshoe Series will run from Sunday 12/27/20 through Saturday 1/2/21.

The goal for this week is to run, walk, or hike at least 5k (3.1 mi) with or without snowshoes. You can do the distance all at once or split it up over multiple outings. You can also do more distance if you’d like (or less if you’re not up to 5k at this time.)

In the future we may offer suggestions for possible places in western MA, eastern NY, and southwestern VT to complete the distance. Some weeks there will be a live race where you can choose to complete the distance if you’re able to attend. This week you’re on your own. And in any case, you are always welcome to snowshoe/run/walk/hike at a location of your choice. We only ask that you choose a location where you can do so safely and while following all local rules, regulations, and guidelines, and that you take appropriate precautions to limit the spread of Covid-19. We miss seeing you all in person and want to get back to being able to do that!

Please open the following spreadsheet to record the distance you complete:

2020-21 Snowshoe Series

If this is the first time you’re recording distance, enter your first and last name in the appropriate columns. For each week you will also find two other columns – under “week # ss miles” enter the number of miles you’ve snowshoed, and/or under “week # r/w/h miles” enter the number of miles you’ve run, walked, or hiked without snowshoes. You can do this once for the whole week or update your total as needed throughout the week.

Any questions, shoot me an email.

Have fun and be safe!